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Introduction to the Love Ancestry Website
Overview of the scope of the website and a brief
history of the origin of the surname Love, plus
modern day statistics about the name.
Generation 1; 
Learn about James and Jane Buchanan Love, currently our earliest known Love ancestors.
Generations 3 and beyond Meet the rest of us and find out where you fit in.
Cousins? THIRD cousins..five times removed? How are you connected?
Find out what you can do to further the cause of discovering our roots.
Click on the Family Finder . . .
to see an alphabetical listing of all generation 1-7 family members
Generation 2; Meet our second generation; James and Jane Love's son, Samuel, and his wife, Anne Chestnut Love.
Albia, Iowa Four of the nine children of Samuel and Anne Chestnut Love who emigrated to the United States made their homes in Albia, Iowa. Read the interesting history of this small town in southeastern Iowa.