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Charles McGee Love
born: February 18, 1863
Albia, Monroe County, Iowa
died: between 1940-1944
in the state of Nevada
Emma May Miller Love
born: April 27, 1864
Albia, Monroe County, Iowa
died: May 16, 1936
in Los Angeles, California
Charles McGee and Emma May Love were married April 3, 1884 at the home of her parents in Albia, Iowa.
Their first child, Beulah May Love, was born June 23, 1886 but died just a few days later, on July 4, 1886 of "the effects of Morphine." Second daughter, Nellie, was born August 20, 1888 and third daughter, Blanche, was born October 20, 1891 in Albia.
The U.S. Census shows the couple and their children living next to his parents, James Hamilton and Susan Love at 105 West Benton Ave. in Albia in 1900; they were at the same address in 1910 but had been joined by Emma's sister, Lydia Miller, who was 56 and single. Charlie and Emma inherited James Hamilton's small farm near the northwest city limits of Albia when he died in 1908.
The 1915 Iowa Census was conducted with the use of individual forms rather than a chart of all persons living at a given address. Emma Love's form stated that she was a store clerk and had earned $364 in 1914 and included the following remark, "I am one of the heirs of this property." Both Nellie and Blanche completed census forms as "single" and living in Albia in 1915. Unfortunately, that would be Blanche's final census record as she died January 16, 1916 in Albia.
This is a photo of Charles McGee and Emma May Love's daughter, Blanche, probably taken shortly before her death at age 24.
The Loves' remaining daughter, Nellie, relocated to Los Angeles, California in 1916, where she married William C. Wassweiler (born January 21, 1876 in New Jersey) who worked as a brakeman for the Santa Fe Railroad. Billy and Nellie Wassweiler were the parents of two daughters, Patricia Blanche, born May 11, 1917 in Los Angeles, California and Kathryn Anne, born July 2, 1918 in Los Angeles, California.
Nellie's husband, Billy, was killed on the job December 18, 1918. Records show that his family received a $1,600 death benefit from the railroad.
Nellie and her daughters are shown in the 1920 US Census living in Albia, Iowa with Charlie, Emma and Emma's sister, Lydia. Nellie was listed as a widow.
The 1925 Iowa Census indicates that Nellie, Patricia and Kathryn Wassweiler were living with or next door to Charlie and Emma Love. Sometime between 1925 and 1930, Charlie and Emma separated and later divorced. The 1930 U.S. Census shows Emma May Love (listed as divorced), Nellie, Patricia B. and Kathryn A. Wassweiler living with Emma's sister Lydia Miller, aged 78 and single. Emma May Miller Love died May 16, 1936.
In a 1949 letter written by Roger Love, son of James Henry Love, he states his father received a telephone call in the early 1940's from police in Nevada that a man had been killed in an accident who had James Henry's address in his possession, but no other identification. In his late 80's at the time, James Henry elected not to make the trip to identify the body as Charley had made an agreement with him years earlier that if he died while on the road, he should just stay where he died.
Delbert Love, Charlie's nephew, said that after Charlie and Emma divorced, Charlie "worked out a deal with the railroad to work in the dining car, earning his way to California where he'd stay with his brother James Henry Love in the winter then return to Albia each summer where he'd stay with John Richard and Lucinda Love. One of his duties was to walk through the passenger cars calling out dinner's ready in the dining car." Delbert added that during one of his summer visits, "Charlie made some kind of concoction in the barn, but John Richard made him get rid of it."
Patricia Blanche Wassweiler
1937 College sorority year book
from Los Angeles Junior College
Nellie Love Wassweiler died in Los Angeles on August 30, 1981. No further information regarding her daughters, Patricia and Kathryn, has been found.
Left: John William Clarence Wassweiler / Right: Nellie holding the couple's firstborn child, Patricia Blanche Wassweiler in 1917
Photos courtesy of Billy's and Nellie's descendants